Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, 1 February, 2012

All right, so I've been failing to be as consistent in my updates as I was initially, but sometimes, I've just felt like I had nothing in particular to say, certainly nothing interesting or worth mentioning, albeit in the last couple of days, it's been more about not feeling like doing any kind of writing, not even in the context of blogging. Today, though, there's updates.

If it has not been mentioned before, there's a number of things that Master and I are going to do in an experimental, "can Phee handle this?" kind of way, to see if it's something that I can give Her as it's something that She enjoys. This is going to include learning to provide Her with painful sensory input because like me, She has masochistic urges, tendencies and needs. Of course, there's also a limit, certain things that I very simply won't be doing.

We have experimented with a little bit of Needle Play, and by a little bit I mean the very barest level possible -- one lonely needle went into my back, and it was not an unpleasant experience. It stung, though that doesn't mean I won't be able to handle it, just that I need to be worked up to it perhaps a bit more slowly than I would have liked. I wish I could have taken twelve on my first experience as opposed to only one. One is, at least, a start, though it's the weakest starting point available, quite literally the barest minimum. I do not think I will ever be able to do the Needles on Her, unfortunate it is for me since I know that She enjoys being pierced by metal objects, Herself.

We have experimented with Energy Play, not extensively, but what She did to me, I found enjoyable in the extreme, perhaps in part for the knowing that so much of Her focus was on me at that instant. Due to the fact that I am an Empath, there is a high likelihood of that I will do Energy Play with Her, in reciprocation for whatever She does with or to me as a Psychic. It's highly enjoyable for me to be the center of Her attention for any length of time and I suspect that I will enjoy using my Empathy for the sake of improving Her mood and making Her feel better in general.

We have not yet experimented with Edge Play or Blood Play, but I am anxiously anticipating it, as I want to know if I can handle being cut with a knife or a razor, and I want to know whether or not my blood has an appealing flavour, to Her. It's something that I know that She greatly enjoys, and I want very badly to give it to Her if it is something that's at all physically possible for me. I want to bring as much pleasure to Her as I possibly can and even if it isn't something that I directly enjoy, I'll certainly enjoy knowing that I am doing something that brings Her gratification of some kind.

We have not yet experimented with Fire Play, but I'm eagerly awaiting the experience, it requires a metal lighter, but I think it sounds like fun. Despite having heat exhaustion, I've got a pretty high heat tolerance as long as it's not the air temperature all around me dehydrating me. She really enjoys it, I want to give Her everything I can to pleasure and satisfy Her and all of Her needs.

I'm also anxiously anticipating the first time that She's going to put a leash on me, but for now I am going to have to wait for it, as She's hand-weaving a collar and leash for me, and I am very much looking forward to Her attaching a leash to my collar and taking me for a walk. For now, though, it has been mostly anticipation, but I've also gotten to spend over 200 hours with Her or thereabouts, in the basically 3 weeks, which means I don't really go all that long without seeing Her usually, but sometimes it feels like a really long time without seeing Her. I am so in love with Her, though, that I have absolutely no complaints about Our relationship even if I do not see Her as often as I'd prefer, since every time I'm with Her, my heart soars and I feel like I'm in Heaven just being around Her.

I could have never conceived of being as happy as it makes me to belong to Her, and especially to be around Her.

I Love You Master, with all of my heart, with all that I am, with every fiber of my being.
There is no part of me that does not love every part of You, Beautiful Beloved Master.
I Trust You Master, with my heart and with my health and with my life.
I have absolute Faith in You Master, I wish nothing but to serve You for all of my lives.
I have no Desire to go to Heaven without You, for without You, it would not be Heaven.

- Protected Slave and Property of the Magnificent Miss_Misanthropy,
Privileged to be Master's Adoring Pet Whore, Phee

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