Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday, 26 February, 2012

Have you ever felt like things are really hectic, but then you stop, take a breath and think for just a minute, and it really isn't all that hectic, after all? That is kind of how I feel right at the moment - at one moment it feels like everything is hectic and then the next moment I realized it isn't hectic, its just kind of active at the moment but not really hectic in general. Interesting and a bit amusing, as well as a bit of a situation that puts me into a conflicted position with my host and hostess, who are both being cute and goofy and they ended up putting me in the middle of a silly conflict and it made me feel a little conflicted. Despite the realization it's silly, I have Asperger's and take things rather literally and I feel a bit conflicted by what just happened, but not in a bad way, just amused and vaguely hopeful that tonight will include a flogging of some kind, though I highly doubt that, in spite of that I would really enjoy a second session with Sir Sam. He's very gentle and progressive about it, taking his time and learning how to play with me so that he doesn't do anything I do not like while having his fun, making certain he uses Master's toy correctly and plays with me in the way that I'm intended to be played with. Apparently I helped with something without even having realized that I had been helping... makes me feel good to know that I am capable of being helpful without them having to put undue pressure on me to do so. I'm just helpful by nature, apparently?

I like that. It makes me feel good to be helpful. They're all so big... and it's so nice to know that a little girl like myself can still be helpful to the adults, and useful, and even fun to play with in some ways which don't really harm me, really. I'm a little with mental disorders, I'm accustomed to the experiencing of some confusion... which is kind of the sensation I'm feeling right now. A little bit confused as to how I managed to be helpful without knowing that I was being helpful until after I'd been helpful. Oh, well.

Far more importantly, Master took me to the birthday party of a very good friend who lives nearby, and we stayed for a little while (about 90 to 100 minutes or thereabouts) during which I was naked for the vast majority of it. It was fun, her awesome husband actually gave me a present (three four-sided dice in crystal blue since I saw them in his box of dice and had a gasp-me-loves! response to the crystal blue ones so he gave me three of the kind of dice that my own set doesn't include, I having lost the single four-sided die that I'd ever had like twenty years ago or something like that).

After that, though, things took a turn for the worse!
"That's a total dramatization, of course, but you get my point." ~ Geico Gecko

Once we left, Master and three of our friends went to a karaoke bar ... at which I was determined I would not sing because I am deathly afraid of microphones when I am holding them in my hand in an expectation of doing any kind of singing. It didn't help that I had to ask the guy to start over nor did it help that my voice is so atrociously soft when I try to feminize it that even with one, you can seriously not even hear me because I just do not have the ability to raise my voice as a girl, I want to get a surgery which would allow me to do that, but I'm not sure if I should. Master says that I've got the perfect gender-neutral voice, and I want Her to enjoy Her slave's voice, because She's got to live with it every bit as much as I do. My real problem with my voice is that I can be loudly and extremely masculine if I want to, but I can't be feminine at a high volume, it just cannot work, that is the main reason I did not want to go up and sing.

By the end of the night and after two and a half shots of Soju and three White Russians, a drunk woman who is actually an employee of the karaoke bar kind of pressured me into doing it, which was kind of the plan of both of Master's friends who were still there at the time wanting me to be their "virgin sacrifice" to the gods of karaoke.

I freaked out in the short waiting period before doing it.
I huddled in the corner feeling terrified while actually doing the singing.
I hurried back to my seat as soon as the nightmare was over with.
I trembled for about ten minutes thereafter.

The fact that both of them and my beloved Daddy all said they were proud of me and were very supportive and comforting helped a lot, but it was still the scariest four minutes of my life and I genuinely wished I was back in Dover County instead of being up there singing even though the only people there were Master, our two friends, and a few drunk employees of the karaoke bar.

The drinks were good and so was the food, the company was amazing and the karaoke was a fun experience to watch but horrible and terrifying to perform firsthand. I don't ever want to sing ever again. It was awful being up there doing the singing. The only time I ever want to sing ever again is in the car with the beautiful and cherished Master Who Owns me, and only when only Her and I are actually in the car at all.

Overall, it was a great night and a good experience with only that one blemish at the end of it. I had honestly planned to hide in my room all day and not come out for any reason, but in being a good friend to a fellow slave and pet, I had to come out of my room and received a few really kind words from my host here at Random House and some rather shockingly supportive words from my roommate.

It was worthwhile to do the karaoke thing since it made Master happy and allowed Her another opportunity to be proud of me. I liked the way it made me feel when She said She was proud of me for facing one of my fears in the full knowledge of how scared I was... Eric was really rather incredibly supportive about the whole thing, too... he's honestly been very nice to me and I am honoured by how gentle he is towards me. Courtney was amazingly supportive, too, but Master is the one that really made it worthwhile.

I did not have fun while I was singing, but the entire remainder of the evening was a pleasurable experience even without having been flogged or beaten in any way despite that I really wanted to be flogged last night at some point.

Oh, well.

I felt flattered and amused when both Courtney and Ben asked Master if they could borrow me for a night when I gave them a little bit of a back massage each at my friend's birthday party. I felt a bit more amused when Master's response was just to give a slight shake of Her head and be like... No. I hated seeing them disappointed, but I was still amused when Master said they couldn't borrow me for one day or night.

Obviously, I would not mind if Master allowed them to borrow me for a day, maybe with a nice "terms of service" agreement, but Master knows what's best for me and I totally trust Her, and Her judgment. She's the best and most beautiful Person I've ever met and the biggest blessing that I've ever received. Her Word is Law, and it is my pride and my pleasure to obey Her Rules. I've never felt so safe or happy in my life. I would rather die than disappoint Master in any way.

I Love You Master, with all of my heart, with all that I am, with every fiber of my being. There is no part of me that does not love every part of You, Beautiful Beloved Master.
I Trust You Master, with my heart and with my health and with my life.
I have absolute Faith in You Master, I wish nothing but to serve You for all of my lives.
I have no Desire to go to Heaven without You, for without You, it would not be Heaven.

- Protected Slave and Property of the Magnificent Miss_Misanthropy,
Eternally Privileged to be Master's Adoring Pet Whore, Phee

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, 16 February, 2012.

At long last, my internet access has returned and I am connected to the internet with my own computer again, so now I have the time and freedom to write as much as I want over as long a period as I want in whatever way I would like.

Just kidding, I'm by no means going to write the almost-novella of my introductory post when I initially opened this blog. That would just be cruel if I didn't actually have that much worthwhile, basically, to say.

Where to start, though, with all my updates?

I guess I'll start with a big topic.

My adoptive mother.
She knows about the blog, though she does not know the blog address and does not know any of the contents of it, and she's been harassed a bit because of this blog ... why? I don't know, but to be quite frank, I'm not going to stop writing it. Someone claiming to be my friend Sabrina has been talking to her, but as my friend Sabrina herself said: if you were going to illegally harass someone, would you really honestly give them your actual name? Nobody intelligent would do that, and my friend Sabrina is most certainly intelligent.

My adoptive mother (and adoptive father) have also missed me very much since I left New Jersey, have begun to appreciate what they had while I was around and have begun to regret things that they did or didn't do. Particularly inclusive in these regrets is the failure to accept me as a female before I moved out, especially considering that that failure was one of the larger reasons I left, but by no means the biggest. The primary reason I left home was to become a slave to the greatest, most amazing and most beautiful Woman that I have ever known. I'll gush on Her in a little bit. I'm just not to that topic yet.

My adoptive mother has been doing a lot to make a good impression on me of her missing me, as she has been sending me things that haven't been making life easier in Tennessee (as life here is extremely relaxed and comfortable and Master is, again, awesome), but which have been making it significantly more convenient. She's sent me an Ethernet adapter which is how I'm able to finally getting on-line again with my own laptop -- I'm so thankful to Miss Tammy and Sir Sam for just the sheer depth of their awesomeness and kindness, they not only opened their home to me to live in, they opened their laptops to me to allow me to be able to still get online most of the time as mine was incapacitated with the absence of said adapter. My adoptive mother has also sent me a GPS which means that I'll actually be able to drive around on my own in Clarksville and start figuring out where shit is for myself without ending up in fucking Dover.

Yeah. I visited Master one day, followed Her to Her home, then got directions from Eric on how to get back to Random House... I took one wrong turn at the worst possible time and ended up forty miles out of my way in another county. I ended up somewhere that transgendered people are very much at risk for being murdered by an angry mob with torches and pitchforks. It's a good thing for the fact that as honest and straightforward as I am, I don't just announce that to everyone I meet, randomly, on a cold, dark night when I'm 40 miles from where I live and don't have a clue where I'm at.

There are people in New Jersey who believe I really am that stupid and will be extraordinarily disappointed by the fact that I went into Hell and managed to get back out again before the demons sensed a disturbance in the Force and came to investigate what was going on with regards to that.

I am honestly surprised by my recent connections, and recent reconnections.
Let me just start this topic by saying that I actually had 2,400 people on my Facebook at one point, and I'm down to 453 or thereabouts right now. I sent out a couple thousand messages in essence announcing that I am pansexual, transgendered, and have Asperger's Syndrome, and that anyone who wanted to remove me from their friends list was welcome to do so at their own leisure and I would not be offended and, either way, happy new year.

About 200 people removed me, about 200 people gave me very friendly responses so I got a couple hundred new friends out of it, and more than 1,500 were removed 5-7 weeks later as I hadn't gotten a response from them in that time so I deduced that they just didn't care enough to affirm for me that they were okay with my identity when I basically asked for that affirmation.

I'm surprised, honestly, by the roughly two hundred positive responses that I received, I really didn't expect that. I'm also rather blown away by the fact that I recently reconnected with a girl I knew in middle school (the only public school experience I have really had in my life due to my massively overprotective adoptive parents), and was stunned by how well the reconnecting has gone with her. She's an amazing person, I just didn't think she'd remember me after eighteen years! Seems some people have a memory as good as mine is for remembering people that I knew and saw almost daily for three years of my life. Like I said, she's gone from just another kid to a great woman that I'm honestly delighted to add to my friends list as an adult, and just so amazingly supportive of my lifestyle choices, moreso than I had honestly expected and far moreso than I have received from other people I knew in middle school who seemed far more accepting and whom I kept in touch with more than I kept in touch with this beautiful woman.

I Love You Master, with all of my heart, with all that I am, with every fiber of my being.
There is no part of me that does not love every part of You, Beautiful Beloved Master.
I Trust You Master, with my heart and with my health and with my life.
I have absolute Faith in You Master, I wish nothing but to serve You for all of my lives.
I have no Desire to go to Heaven without You, for without You, it would not be Heaven.

- Protected Slave and Property of the Magnificent Miss_Misanthropy,
Privileged to be Master's Adoring Pet Whore, Phee

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, 7 February, 2012

All right, I haven't posted a blog update in several days, primarily because the fact is that it's been a busy few days and quite frankly, some of that has been irritating drama.

On the other hand, I spent a lot of time with Master in the last few days, the spell has been started and out of this time I actually got to spend about 40 hours with Master, who is a Fairy Shaman, as well as with two archangels (a third joined us for the last few hours of this time-frame), and also, I had my first experience of sensing something with my empathy, which left me rattled enough that one of those archangels allowed me to cuddle up next to him. The very limited bed-space meant we had to share a bed, but initially he hadn't wanted me too terribly close to him, but after that he knew I was feeling scared and uncomfortable to the point I wouldn't really be able to get any sleep without being able to press against him and feel his energy enveloping me for my own security. I think he's probably the coolest, nicest and cutest guy that I've ever actually been around, although the other archangel who was around for most of the weekend was pretty hot, in his own way, and he's got a very sexy Irish accent. Guarantee you if he reads this blog and sees that, he won't use it around me ever again, though, I think I make him a bit nervous because of how direct I am and for how deeply sexual my personality is in person around people that I am attracted to, sexually. I have what I feel to be a lot of emotional and intellectual compatibility with him, and spiritual compatibility to a degree as well, so it's only natural that I'm sexually attracted to both of those archangels. The third one isn't that bad, either, I like him as a friend, but I don't think that I have enough compatibility with him in any of the three areas of influence in my sexuality, to become sexually attracted to him. I told him as much, he was very happy to hear it since none of them are particularly interested in my presently-male body, though at some point their interest levels might change once I begin to get as much more visually and physically feminine as I will once Master and I can afford to get the surgical alterations to my body that I really need to get, which will start with medical hair restoration to alter my hairline, thermolysis to remove facial hair, and breasts.

Either way, I feel pretty comfortable with all of the events of this weekend, except for that I felt pretty rattled by my first experience with empathically sensing something that I couldn't physically see and actually knowing what the experience was. I sensed what I think may have been the members of the sasquatch family that lives near Master's current place of residence. I am nevertheless looking forward to learning more, as I have unique skills and abilities that Master does not have and which therefore She would benefit from having at Her disposal through me.

She was in my mind, the night before last, as well. I didn't know it until after-the-fact when She basically told me that She'd been in my mind when I asked about it. I didn't mind in the least. I welcome Her into my mind anytime She wants to visit or talk to me in that way, once I start to feel acclimated to Her presence inside of my mind where She can talk to me in a really private way.


I Love You Master, with all of my heart, with all that I am, with every fiber of my being.
There is no part of me that does not love every part of You, Beautiful Beloved Master.
I Trust You Master, with my heart and with my health and with my life.
I have absolute Faith in You Master, I wish nothing but to serve You for all of my lives.
I have no Desire to go to Heaven without You, for without You, it would not be Heaven.

- Protected Slave and Property of the Magnificent Miss_Misanthropy,
Privileged to be Master's Adoring Pet Whore, Phee

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, 1 February, 2012

All right, so I've been failing to be as consistent in my updates as I was initially, but sometimes, I've just felt like I had nothing in particular to say, certainly nothing interesting or worth mentioning, albeit in the last couple of days, it's been more about not feeling like doing any kind of writing, not even in the context of blogging. Today, though, there's updates.

If it has not been mentioned before, there's a number of things that Master and I are going to do in an experimental, "can Phee handle this?" kind of way, to see if it's something that I can give Her as it's something that She enjoys. This is going to include learning to provide Her with painful sensory input because like me, She has masochistic urges, tendencies and needs. Of course, there's also a limit, certain things that I very simply won't be doing.

We have experimented with a little bit of Needle Play, and by a little bit I mean the very barest level possible -- one lonely needle went into my back, and it was not an unpleasant experience. It stung, though that doesn't mean I won't be able to handle it, just that I need to be worked up to it perhaps a bit more slowly than I would have liked. I wish I could have taken twelve on my first experience as opposed to only one. One is, at least, a start, though it's the weakest starting point available, quite literally the barest minimum. I do not think I will ever be able to do the Needles on Her, unfortunate it is for me since I know that She enjoys being pierced by metal objects, Herself.

We have experimented with Energy Play, not extensively, but what She did to me, I found enjoyable in the extreme, perhaps in part for the knowing that so much of Her focus was on me at that instant. Due to the fact that I am an Empath, there is a high likelihood of that I will do Energy Play with Her, in reciprocation for whatever She does with or to me as a Psychic. It's highly enjoyable for me to be the center of Her attention for any length of time and I suspect that I will enjoy using my Empathy for the sake of improving Her mood and making Her feel better in general.

We have not yet experimented with Edge Play or Blood Play, but I am anxiously anticipating it, as I want to know if I can handle being cut with a knife or a razor, and I want to know whether or not my blood has an appealing flavour, to Her. It's something that I know that She greatly enjoys, and I want very badly to give it to Her if it is something that's at all physically possible for me. I want to bring as much pleasure to Her as I possibly can and even if it isn't something that I directly enjoy, I'll certainly enjoy knowing that I am doing something that brings Her gratification of some kind.

We have not yet experimented with Fire Play, but I'm eagerly awaiting the experience, it requires a metal lighter, but I think it sounds like fun. Despite having heat exhaustion, I've got a pretty high heat tolerance as long as it's not the air temperature all around me dehydrating me. She really enjoys it, I want to give Her everything I can to pleasure and satisfy Her and all of Her needs.

I'm also anxiously anticipating the first time that She's going to put a leash on me, but for now I am going to have to wait for it, as She's hand-weaving a collar and leash for me, and I am very much looking forward to Her attaching a leash to my collar and taking me for a walk. For now, though, it has been mostly anticipation, but I've also gotten to spend over 200 hours with Her or thereabouts, in the basically 3 weeks, which means I don't really go all that long without seeing Her usually, but sometimes it feels like a really long time without seeing Her. I am so in love with Her, though, that I have absolutely no complaints about Our relationship even if I do not see Her as often as I'd prefer, since every time I'm with Her, my heart soars and I feel like I'm in Heaven just being around Her.

I could have never conceived of being as happy as it makes me to belong to Her, and especially to be around Her.

I Love You Master, with all of my heart, with all that I am, with every fiber of my being.
There is no part of me that does not love every part of You, Beautiful Beloved Master.
I Trust You Master, with my heart and with my health and with my life.
I have absolute Faith in You Master, I wish nothing but to serve You for all of my lives.
I have no Desire to go to Heaven without You, for without You, it would not be Heaven.

- Protected Slave and Property of the Magnificent Miss_Misanthropy,
Privileged to be Master's Adoring Pet Whore, Phee