Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, 7 February, 2012

All right, I haven't posted a blog update in several days, primarily because the fact is that it's been a busy few days and quite frankly, some of that has been irritating drama.

On the other hand, I spent a lot of time with Master in the last few days, the spell has been started and out of this time I actually got to spend about 40 hours with Master, who is a Fairy Shaman, as well as with two archangels (a third joined us for the last few hours of this time-frame), and also, I had my first experience of sensing something with my empathy, which left me rattled enough that one of those archangels allowed me to cuddle up next to him. The very limited bed-space meant we had to share a bed, but initially he hadn't wanted me too terribly close to him, but after that he knew I was feeling scared and uncomfortable to the point I wouldn't really be able to get any sleep without being able to press against him and feel his energy enveloping me for my own security. I think he's probably the coolest, nicest and cutest guy that I've ever actually been around, although the other archangel who was around for most of the weekend was pretty hot, in his own way, and he's got a very sexy Irish accent. Guarantee you if he reads this blog and sees that, he won't use it around me ever again, though, I think I make him a bit nervous because of how direct I am and for how deeply sexual my personality is in person around people that I am attracted to, sexually. I have what I feel to be a lot of emotional and intellectual compatibility with him, and spiritual compatibility to a degree as well, so it's only natural that I'm sexually attracted to both of those archangels. The third one isn't that bad, either, I like him as a friend, but I don't think that I have enough compatibility with him in any of the three areas of influence in my sexuality, to become sexually attracted to him. I told him as much, he was very happy to hear it since none of them are particularly interested in my presently-male body, though at some point their interest levels might change once I begin to get as much more visually and physically feminine as I will once Master and I can afford to get the surgical alterations to my body that I really need to get, which will start with medical hair restoration to alter my hairline, thermolysis to remove facial hair, and breasts.

Either way, I feel pretty comfortable with all of the events of this weekend, except for that I felt pretty rattled by my first experience with empathically sensing something that I couldn't physically see and actually knowing what the experience was. I sensed what I think may have been the members of the sasquatch family that lives near Master's current place of residence. I am nevertheless looking forward to learning more, as I have unique skills and abilities that Master does not have and which therefore She would benefit from having at Her disposal through me.

She was in my mind, the night before last, as well. I didn't know it until after-the-fact when She basically told me that She'd been in my mind when I asked about it. I didn't mind in the least. I welcome Her into my mind anytime She wants to visit or talk to me in that way, once I start to feel acclimated to Her presence inside of my mind where She can talk to me in a really private way.


I Love You Master, with all of my heart, with all that I am, with every fiber of my being.
There is no part of me that does not love every part of You, Beautiful Beloved Master.
I Trust You Master, with my heart and with my health and with my life.
I have absolute Faith in You Master, I wish nothing but to serve You for all of my lives.
I have no Desire to go to Heaven without You, for without You, it would not be Heaven.

- Protected Slave and Property of the Magnificent Miss_Misanthropy,
Privileged to be Master's Adoring Pet Whore, Phee

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